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Town Hall 8 Base - New Best TH8 Hybrid/Trophy/Farming/War/CWL Base Clash of Clans 2023

Ayush Singh Sardar
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Why this Base?

1. Well protected Town Hall between highly defensive central compartment.

2. Most of Archer Towers and Cannons are placed in outer compartments to cover whole base.

3. Air Defense are placed from one another protect whole base against powerful air troops.

4. Wizard Towers are also placed from one another in mid compartments to stop spam attacks such as, Balloons.

5. Mortars are placed in outer compartments to stop spam attacks.

6. Barbarian King is placed closer to the central compartments to distract dragons in mid.

7. Unique design in 2023.

8. Optimal for Trophy, Farming and War.

Clan Castle Troops Combination for this Base

1. 1 Dragon Rider (Recommended)

2. 1 Dragon + 1 Wizard + 1 Archer

3. 2 Baby Dragon + 1 Wizard + 1 Archer

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